Complement your Cover with HealthSaver
You can use additional complementary products to seamlessly enhance your medical aid. Save for additional medical expenses with HealthSaver. HealthSaver lets you save for additional day-to-day medical expenses, such as co payments, exclusions and more.
Note: All Moto Health Care members qualify for this product which is regulated outside the Scheme benefits and Rules. The cost for this product is excluded from the MHC monthly contribution. Members interested in the product must sign up directly. Refer to contact details.
Essential option members can access the benefits below when referred by a primary care provider:
- Cholesterol tests
- Blood glucose testing
- TB screening
- Blood pressure testing
- Breast examination via ultrasound
These tests and consultations do not affect your day-to-day benefits as they are paid from the Screening and Prevention Benefit.
Wellness days
You can now benefit from the opportunity to be screened for existing and potential health risks at your workplace. Our aim is to help you detect health risks early, so that you can prevent or reduce the impact of a disease.
Screening tests
Before getting tested you will need to fill out a medical history questionnaire, which will give the healthcare professional information about your health risks. The following tests are performed at wellness screening sessions:
Blood pressure check
Weight and height, with body mass index (BMI)
Blood sugar and cholesterol (one finger prick required)
Waist circumference
Counselling and Information
If the questionnaire or tests show that you are at risk of health conditions, the healthcare professional will provide counselling and advice on the day of the assessment. Information will be shared on the steps you can take to prevent or reduce your health risks. You will also receive brochures on topics such as smoking, exercise and weight management, and may be contacted by one of our Wellness or Lifestyle Coaches.