Who can join the Scheme?

Any person who is employed in the retail motor industry may join the Scheme.

How to apply for Membership in FIVE easy steps



Visit your HR Department to obtain a copy of the membership application form


The application form can also be accessed via:

  1. OR
  2. The Contact Centre by dialing 0861 000 300

Ensure that all the required documentation is submitted together with the fully completed application form (refer to page 10 of the membership application form for the details)

Remember to complete the inception date


Request your HR to sign and stamp your application form


Submit your finalised application form to OR fax to 031 580 0478.  The reference number provided can be used to follow up on the progress of your application.



Dial 0861 000 300 to confirm if you meet the requirements for continuation membership on the Scheme


If YES, complete the continuation form which can be obtained from:

  1. OR
  2. The Contact Centre by dialing 0861 000 300

Ensure that all the required documentation is submitted together with the fully completed application form

Remember to complete the inception date


Your bank needs to stamp the debit order instruction on the form


Submit your finalised application form to OR fax to 031 580 0478.  The reference number provided can be used to follow up on the progress of your application.

Continuation of membership

Members who were employed in the motor industry and who leave for one of the following reasons can continue as members of the Scheme:

  • when you are retrenched
  • when you retire
  • if you are unable to work due to ill health
  • when you pass away, your surviving spouse and children may continue as beneficiaries
  • if you become disabled
  • if you resign from a company that offers medical cover on MHC and are employed by another company in the industry which does not offer medical cover on MHC
  • if you leave the industry to start your own business

Make sure MHC has your latest contact details on record to ensure that you receive the latest news from the Scheme.

Register your new baby in time!

  • Complete the registration form at and enclose
  • a certified copy of the birth certificate.
  • Forward it to the Scheme within 30 days of the birth of your child.
  • Should the baby’s surname differ from yours, please provide the Scheme with an affidavit confirming that the child is your biological child.
  • Contributions for the baby will be due from the first day of the
  • month after the month in which the baby was born.
  • Babies who are not registered within 30 days of birth will not
  • qualify for benefits and may be underwritten if registered after 90 days.

Note: Should you need to add dependants, please refer to the Scheme’s website at for the relevant requirements.

Update your membership details should the following changes occur:

  • address, telephone number or other contact details
  • banking details
  • marital status
  • monthly income
  • adding or removing dependants
  • passing away of the principal member or any registered dependant
  • change in employer
  • resignation from employer
  • leaving the motor industry

Contribution statements

Each month the Scheme sends a contribution statement to members who pay their contributions directly to the Scheme.

A contribution statement is also sent to all employers each month. The contribution statement sets out the monthly contribution payments and any money that employees of the company may owe to the Scheme. This statement assists your employer to ensure that your contributions are always up to date.

Managing arrear contributions

You might be behind in your payments to the Scheme if any of the following happens:

  • Your employer has not deducted your monthly contribution from your salary. This might happen if you move between dealerships at the same employer and the new human resources consultant does not include you in the payment schedule.
  • A backdated salary increase moved you into a higher contribution category.
  • You added a dependant and this change was not submitted in time for the next contribution payment.
  • Your contract ended with one employer in the motor industry and you started employment with another employer and he or she did not notify the Scheme in time for the next contribution payment.

If you need help with paying your contributions, please contact the Scheme or ask your human resources department to help you with the repayment terms.

Remember: You will retain the same Scheme membership number for life, even if you change employment in the motor industry, unless you are the principal member and pass away and your dependant, such as your spouse or child, becomes the principal member. Notify the Scheme when you change employment in the industry in order for us to keep track of your movements and contribution payments. In this way you will avoid having your benefits suspended when you need medical cover the most.

Waiting period

New applicants or persons who have not been members of a medical scheme for more than 90 days before joiningYesYesYes
Applicants who were members of a medical scheme for less than two yearsNoYesNo
Change of benefit optionNoNoNo
Child dependant born during period of membershipNoNoNot applicable
Involuntary transfers due to change in employment or employer changing to another medical schemeNoNoNot applicable

The waiting periods are for 3- and 12-months periods, including the PMB category, is very important, as individuals who resign from their medical scheme and who wish to re-join a medical scheme after a few months after developing an illness/condition, will also be subject to the medical Scheme's underwriting. This process is called anti-selection and is legislated to prevent financial exposure and to protect medical schemes.